Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Writing and the Beginning of Another Semester

I'm not sure why, but I find that I write more in terms of quantity and quality during the semester than I do between semesters, so here I am again with my first post in a month. With a number of abstracts coming due soon, I probably will not be writing too much on here for the next few weeks, but I do find that I miss putting down my thoughts here. Perhaps I will attempt to write at least one post a week. We'll see what happens.

Anyway, I am finishing up preparing for the start of the new semester (one week from tomorrow), and am very excited since I get to teach in a different building than I am used to, and this is my first attempt at teaching a second year seminar. The seminar, like the freshmen version from last Fall, will be on the concept of God in philosophy, but this time it is a writing intensive seminar. My students are required to not only do the assigned readings and participate in classroom discussions, they are also going to be keeping a reflection journal where they will write a few paragraphs on every piece we read during the semester. I am pleased that the seminar classroom will have real tables (rather than one-armed bandits) where we can have discussions in an atmosphere more conducive to having a discussion.

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